Dr Anderson, keep up the good work. We shared a table a while back at a Prager U cigar event, have subscribed to your substack ever since. It is absolutely appalling what the state of the modern university has become. Parents are paying tens of thousands of dollars per year to essentially make their kids stupid. Unfortunately intelligence does not equal wisdom and it is so refreshing to see a professor pushing back against the tide.

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Thank you. They have no idea how many in the public are tired of radical leftist nonsense in the university.

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You blocked me huh? That’s because you can’t take the heat can you? Pissed you got called out on your disgusting rhetoric? Pissed that you showed yourself for the person you actually are? I thought you loved Reason? You love to debate? Feel free to block me, and please do share everything on social media. And I’ll do the same of all the screenshots I have of you trying this tragedy without evidence to anti-Trump and anti-white rhetoric on you X, including when you admitted to one of your commentators that you actually did not know that it was politically motivated after all. I have them that shows you for who you really are. You’re a disgraceful teacher and human being. You should be caring and nurturing you students. Maybe reach out to the family of that young lady and ask if there is anything she needs. Maybe donate to gofundme. Maybe show that you CARE about her other than as a tool for your political gain. I have screen shots of all my comments here, including that you blocked me (interesting given your ‘commitment’ to free speech. Is that how you deal with people that call you out). And I have screen shots of this post when you tied the tragedy to your rhetoric before you edited it. And I’ll screen shot this one too and evidence that you blocked me. People will know that this is the kind of ‘teacher’ you are and what you’re willing to do to your students. I wonder what the families of the two students involved will say when they find out.

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You can see why I give three strikes. These types just want to spew insults all day. Bye bye.

It's stunning how these professors act. The start by insulting you, you try to redirect to the content, they continue to insult. Then after three strikes they are out and you block them. Guess what? They don't respect it and they create a new account to keep stalking and harassing you! I thought "no" means "no"? Not for them. They know they've been made a fool of and their ego is withering.

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Owen, I also teach at ASU. I assign a range of readings and I teach history, which contains ugliness as well as beauty. If some day you decide to screenshot part of my Canvas site, it will be possible for you to incite outrage over what you find. Perhaps you can get a lawsuit filed against me for my teaching. (It will be particularly easy if you suggest that we "teach that" rather than "teach about.") If you also find straightforward, five -sentence introductions to thinkers such as Marx evidence that someone "subscribes to a cult," as you did in part 1 of this series, no discussion will change your mind. Finally, because the study of history involves the study of race, it will be possible for you, should you choose, to take to Twitter, tag Charlie Kirk, and imply I am to blame for any tragic incident from which our students are suffering, so long as it can even be imagined race is a part of it.

Your post is not about me, and one doubts you have many readers. But I felt compelled to write because I do not want whomever this colleague is to bear the full force of this alone.

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That’s a very misleading comment. You know very well the difference between teaching about and only teaching about. What doesn’t happen in such classes is there is not equal time given to alternative views. This is presented as the only one to “teach about.” Same for how Marx was presented. You would rightly be outraged if Hitler were presented in a neutral and even benign way. Why? It’s just “teaching about.” Such professors privilege one view and leave the students thinking that is the only one out there. I hope when you “teach about” you teach about all relevant views for your subject. I know I do.

You’d be surprised at my readership. There are numbers and then there is the influence of who reads.

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The fact that you’re exploiting the near-murder of a student and tying it into your political agenda, without an OUNCE of evidence that this was actually the motivation, is cruel and evil. This student’s tragedy should not be used for your political gain. We have no idea what caused this tragedy, and on day one you assumed it was anti-Trump rhetoric, and now that it’s anti-white. Again, not a drop of evidence. No decent teacher, or even human being, would do such a thing.

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Your view is teaching race blame has no consequences?

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Apparently you also specialize in strawman, which as someone who teaches critical thinking, you should know better to do.

You know that’s not what I said. What I said is that there is absolutely no evidence that anything like this was the case HERE. First you said it was anti-Trump related, with no evidence, and now you’re saying it was because of anti-white rhetoric. There hasn’t been a word released about motive, and from what has been released it’s quite possible that the student had some sort of psychotic break. The point is you have zero evidence to draw these conclusions. You’re tying this tragedy to your political agenda and making unfounded assumptions. If evidence came out that this was politically or racially motivated, you may then have justification. There is no such evidence. This young lady was a student at ASU - students that you’re suppose to mentor and care for. Her tragedy is not yours to exploit. Within hours of this tragedy you exploited it to further your agenda. That’s cruel, and unconscionable. This student was almost murdered. She isn’t a pawn in your political games. If you did this to my child in a similar situation, I’d be on my phone to a lawyer. The point is I don’t know how you can live with yourself doing this. You don’t care about her suffering or what she went through. You see it immediately as an opportunity for your crusade. What kind of a teacher would do that?

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“Not what I said.” So you agree there are consequences to teaching race blame?

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Red herring. Good job critical thinking prof. You can’t manipulate me as easily as you manipulate some of your readers. And good job that answering ANY of my concerns. This conversation is not about race hating and you know it. You pivot back to that because that’s what YOU want to focus on and you’re ignoring every other point. The point stands that you’re making accusations about the motive IN THIS CASE with not a single shred of evidence, and you were doing it within hours of this tragedy. Are you going to ignore that you’re exploiting what happened to this student to further your agenda? Why don’t you answer that question. DO you have evidence that this was racially or politically motivated? You don’t. Because no motive has been released. So you are exploiting this tragedy for your cause. And pivoting back to race hating isn’t going to change the fact that you’re doing this. If this is what you’re willing to do to your students, instead of nurturing or caring for them, you don’t deserve to be a teacher anywhere.

This is the only evidence we have of what the motivation may be. It clearly sounds the student had mental health issues, which you are also exploiting.


And now I see that you’ve removed mention of this incident from your post because you were called out. But don’t worry, I have screen shots of this and of your X feed where it shows that you assumed it was anti-Trump rhetoric on day one. And I also see that one of your readers asked you if you knew it was politically motivated, and you admitted that you didn’t. I have all those screen shots and I’m going to see what I can do about it. Again, you have no business being a teacher anywhere if this is what you’re willing to do to your students.

And before you start assuming that you’re being targeted because you’re a conservative Christian - you’re not. I don’t care what religion or political party you belong to. This is about you willing to exploit a tragedy on YOUR campus about YOUR students without a single shred of evidence to further your agenda. That says a lot about you as a human being. And before you delete my comments, I have screen shots of those too.

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