I told you I’d keep bringing proof of what goes on in ASU classrooms. The administration and the ASU policy manual can say whatever they want about free speech and prohibiting the use of classrooms to push a political agenda. What matters is what is actually happening in the classrooms. Why do professors do this? Because they will never be held accountable by those same administrators who talk the right talk. That is unless we all speak up.
There was a Simpsons episode where the family joined a cult. The kids were sent to the cult school with the new cult curriculum. There, the answer to every question was “the leader.” Who makes the sun rise? The leader. You get the idea. This also works in ASU classrooms where the cult of Critical Race Theory is taught. In such an ASU classroom, the correct answer is “whiteness.” Who causes inflation? “Whiteness.” Who is responsible for your ingrown toenail? “Whiteness.”
As you will see, this is really a solution to the problem of evil and suffering. Why is there suffering in the world? The answer these ASU professors tell their introductory students is: “whiteness.” Now, imagine being in a classroom where you were taught “whiteness” is a problem and then looking around at the other students and seeing many of them fall into this category. These professors are teaching students to hate each other. They are teaching race blame.
In these images from a lesson in, of all things, Justice Studies, the students are taught about the need to abolish the police in order to protect women of color (can they define “woman”?).
The students are taught that the police represent “white supremacy.” Remember the police? The ones who tried to protect minority-owned businesses from being burned down during the summer of BLM riots?
Next, the Justice Studies student is told that the United States has always imposed heteronormativity on everyone. You know, the idea that babies come from the union of a male and female, that truth of biology, well, that’s oppression, by the way. Although we still can’t define “woman.” Where would we be without this Justice Studies professor saving the day from biology?
It gets worse. Even many racial justice theories, with good intentions, are nevertheless supporting “whiteness” by not thinking outside the “settler-colonialism” box. You gotta think outside that one. “Whiteness” is everywhere. Have you faced suffering in life? That’s due to “whiteness.” Lose a job? “Whiteness.” Get a bad grade, not able to pay your bills, special friend break up with you? You guessed it, “whiteness.” Here I am, a philosopher of religion, spending time on the problem of evil and theodicy, and the simple solution was right there all along. Why is there evil? “Whiteness.”
Unfortunately, they will get a little confused about the next one. Perhaps the Justice Studies professor didn’t get the Obama/Biden/Harris memo. They complain that the United States isn’t at war, the United States is war. That’s right, the isof identity. And that war is always aimed at advancing (any guesses?) . . . “white supremacy.”
Unless you are a troglodyte recently emerged from a cave, you know that this is the reverse of the current election and of the previous Trump administration. Trump tells us he will get the United States out of wars, and Obama/Biden/Harris promise to keep us in them. But facts don’t matter. Do you know what facts are? You’re getting good at this; facts are “whiteness.”
Do you know what a Justice Studies major at ASU won’t be taught about? Justice. In the above examples, “justice” is merely economic. It is about power. This is the view of justice given by Thrasymachus in Plato’s Republic and made popular in our day by Nietzsche and Foucault. Socrates makes quick work of Thrasymachus because this is such a simpleton view of justice. True justice is the combination of all the virtues that go into pursuing the good. Justice Studies are not taught about virtue, wisdom, or the good, probably because those are “whiteness.”
Parents, is this what you want to pay for? Students, have you thought about asking for your money back? Let’s get a movement going. If ASU administrators do not actually protect class content from professors pushing their own political agenda, then students are right to ask for their money back. Legislators, you can do so as well. State tax money should not be spent this way. Pastors, teach your congregations about this nonsense so that they are prepared to defend the faith when professors purposely set out to attack it.
Students using taxpayer resources to teach race blame is illegal in Arizona’s universities. If you want me to connect you to a lawyer, send me a message.
Dr Anderson, keep up the good work. We shared a table a while back at a Prager U cigar event, have subscribed to your substack ever since. It is absolutely appalling what the state of the modern university has become. Parents are paying tens of thousands of dollars per year to essentially make their kids stupid. Unfortunately intelligence does not equal wisdom and it is so refreshing to see a professor pushing back against the tide.
You blocked me huh? That’s because you can’t take the heat can you? Pissed you got called out on your disgusting rhetoric? Pissed that you showed yourself for the person you actually are? I thought you loved Reason? You love to debate? Feel free to block me, and please do share everything on social media. And I’ll do the same of all the screenshots I have of you trying this tragedy without evidence to anti-Trump and anti-white rhetoric on you X, including when you admitted to one of your commentators that you actually did not know that it was politically motivated after all. I have them that shows you for who you really are. You’re a disgraceful teacher and human being. You should be caring and nurturing you students. Maybe reach out to the family of that young lady and ask if there is anything she needs. Maybe donate to gofundme. Maybe show that you CARE about her other than as a tool for your political gain. I have screen shots of all my comments here, including that you blocked me (interesting given your ‘commitment’ to free speech. Is that how you deal with people that call you out). And I have screen shots of this post when you tied the tragedy to your rhetoric before you edited it. And I’ll screen shot this one too and evidence that you blocked me. People will know that this is the kind of ‘teacher’ you are and what you’re willing to do to your students. I wonder what the families of the two students involved will say when they find out.