
My second post on the information packed ASU Online Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies degree. I am your Virgil, you are Dante, and I am leading down into the depths of the pit to see what is actually down there. Don’t abandon hope all ye who enter here, instead vote with your feet (don’t attend or sign up) and your respectful phone calls to legislators.

They tell you right here what philosophy they are pushing on their students as a captive audience. Should a state university funded by tax payers take a political/philosophical position and claim it is the truth of the matter? Here is a diagram of “intersectionality” and you will see how they diagram it to explain terrible things like “colonialism” and “transphobia” and “homophobia” and “patriarchy” and “capitalism” (oops, how did that one get in there since it has, more than any other economic theory, raised people out of poverty?).

At the center of all oppression? “Whiteness.” Especially “Christian whiteness.” Any time someone presents an argument that this sexual philosophy is mistaken their reply is to label the person a “phobe” of some kind because they cannot refute the argument.