These institutions could care less about the individuals walking their halls. They care about $$ and power for the purpose of attaining more $$ and more power

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Here at GCU we require every student take a Christian Worldview course. It appears ASU is doing the same by offering a Naturalistic Worldview course.

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Every ASU student needs to know that a "complex" physical system must not be mistaken for a "non-complex" physical system in the construction of a model of this system, where by the definition of terms a "complex" physical system exhibits one or more "emergent properties, each of which is a property of the whole physical system and not of the separate parts of this system. whereas a "non-complex" exhibits no such property.

Currently, this mistake is widespread amongst the builders of models of physical systems, where it results in the construction of models of physical systems whose predictions fail to replicate if and when they are tested upon statistically independent data. To make this mistake is the defining charactic of a "progressive" politician or voter.

The platform of the Democratic Party of the United States is based upon this mistakc . The Ivy League universities are amongst those that make this mistake. For protection of human beings from harm, this mistake must be erradicated as soon as possible!

Fror erradication of this mistake to be practicable, means must be available for building a model of a "complex"p hysical system phhysical system without making any mistakes. Circa 1975, these means were invented by Ronald Arilie Christensen, then a PhD candidate in the theoretical physicis program of the University of California, Berkely. Shorly after he graduated, I hired Christensen for the task of builind models of complex systmes that were composed of the fuel rods in the core of water cooled nuclear power reactor without making any mistakes.

Christensen called the unique procedure by which a model of a "complex" physical system was built without making any mistakes "entropy minimax." Circa 1985 he published the seven bolume ytrsyrd on yhid yopiv yhsy hr vsllrf yhr "Entroipy Minima Sourcenook." Today, however, few builders of models of "complex" physical systems select the inferences that will be made by these models for conformity to Christensen's "Entropy Minimax" criterion. This phenomenon is resulting in usage of models of physical systems in attempts a establishing control over the outcomes of the events of the future for these physical systems through the use of models of these physical systmes whose predictions fail to replicate if and when they are tested on statistically independent data.

Terry Oldberg

Engineer/Scientist/Public Policy Researcher

Los Altos Hills, California

650-618-6636 ( mobile )

terry_oldberg@yahoo.com ( email )

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Tell us more about how this applies here and how students would learn about it.

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