Couldn’t have said it better myself! God was definitely with Trump at the rally in Pennsylvania. I was watching it live on Newsmax when it happened. He is fighting for all people, he could be retired on a beach somewhere playing golf everyday, but he chooses to try and save this country and show us what real democracy is all about.

God bless you professor Owens and the heroic action you are taking by fighting against the evil actions of these universities and how they are trying to corrupt our young people.

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What a self absorbed moron. How’d that Revolution in Venezuela turn out? Funny how these fools think that dictators are somehow so much more preferable than duly elected leaders who have limited terms of power. Oligarchy anyone?

Socialism has been a spectacular disaster EVERYWHERE, EVERYTIME it’s been tried. Duh!

Don’t need a PHD or any other degree to know that. In theory it’s a great idea but then people start behaving like people and expect deferential treatment, feel entitled to acquisition what others have worked for and seemed surprised when it’s not appreciated.

Like moths to a flame, these neoliberals can’t seem to see the failure that Marxism has always been. It is divisive and anti human yet often adopted by intellectuals who see themselves as champions of society when they’re really rather wrecking balls.

No human system of governance will ever be free of flaws for the simple reason that humans are never free of flaws.

You’d think that these eggheads might be able to grasp this but hey, they’re smarter than everyone else so...🤨

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Radical rhetoric on either side diminishes each side in the debate of ideas. "The threat to democracy is when reasoned debate ends and is replaced with the kind of hate we see from such radical professors." Have you heard Trump speak? He is vicious, hateful, and in no way, shape, or form an example of positive political discourse. I agree with some of his policies, but I do not agree with his presentation. He is not looking to bring people to his side with reasoned arguments or quality ideas. He preys on people's prejudices and hatred to pump them up into a frenzy that will hopefully bring them out to the polls. He is a caricature. I would not hang my argument that the left is radicalized in it's rhetoric by pointing to Trump as a contrasting example. Both sides need to tone it down and move away from personal attacks and hyperbole and focus on actual issues that affect the people of this country.

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Stay focused on the post. Trump came up here only bc of how inappropriate (and in violation of ASU faculty manual) it is to use faculty meetings to bash him. They did the same to Bush. The errors of Obama or Biden are never mentioned in these faculty meetings. Professors can get together in their free time and say whatever they want about politics.

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Okay. Okay. Go ahead and be reasonable. You are right. I went off on one aspect of the post and did not address the main point. You are definitely correct that professors should not unequally bash any politician in a faculty meeting, or rather they shouldn't be discussing politicians at all in a faculty meeting. Save it for coffee afterward. Your point across many posts that ASU is being unequal in its treatment of different groups is not without merit. I would need more information to really assess how bad the situation is, though, I can imagine from what I know at this point. I will continue to research and keep an open mind.

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As a philosopher and logician I highly value reason and argument. I want more of it is politics. But rhetoric is also a real thing. But I would like to study Trump’s rhetoric. The academics hate it. But those are the same people who don’t see their own assumptions and blindly judge others. So in this sense he’s forcing such things into the spotlight.

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So this is the last time I'll comment on Trump (for now). Rhetoric is important. It's a skill and often a gift. Trump is great with rhetoric. He started a movement. Millions love him and love how he presents himself to the world. On the other hand, millions hate him and how he presents himself to the world. I fall in between because I can't stand how he presents himself and yet I agree with him on some important political values. Let's be real... he is a jerk. He knows he's a jerk, he wants to be a jerk, his followers love that he's a jerk. His rhetoric appeals to many and yet turns off many. Rhetoric is powerful and we will see if Trump's version of rhetoric pays off in November.

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One thing I think he does is draws lines. It is no longer easy for the “third way” types who always want to position themselves as rejecting a false dichotomy. Some things are excluded middle. There are only two options. His rhetoric calls that out and forces a choice. Perhaps at a time of existential crisis for a nation that is what is needed.

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