Aug 31Liked by Dr. Owen Anderson

Next year I will send my third child to college, the first of the three to choose ASU. (My last choice, we have our reasons that I won't go into here). However, much as I despise what they promote I don't worry at all about my kids. They're incredibly grounded, as are their friends. They're already fully aware of what they're likely going to be presented with and they handle it as well as a young person in a subordinate position can. This is not at all to defend what the school does but to reassure that some kids are ready for it.

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Aug 31·edited Aug 31Author

That's the most important thing: is the student able to see the nonsense and call it what it is. If so, they can get a good education for the career they are planning. But even then, it is not fair that we have to train out kids to do that because the radical left has been allowed to take over ASU. If ASU simply applied its own standards this would be cleaned up.

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One of the ironies of polyamory is its failure in the cinematic world! Despite every intention to the contrary, Hollywood has never succeeded in producing a successful polyamorous movie! In every one, they either come off as mere caricatures of reality — or THE INHERENT FAILURE of adultery manifests itself! I’ve made a bit of a hobby in studying their attempts. One of the first, way back in the 1970’s was BOB & CAROL & TED & ALICE. Despite its titillation, their affair was always awkward, troubled and failed.

Today we have open sex clubs in almost every major city. Their adherents rejoice in declarations of enthusiasm. But to watch their YouTube videos is to see the failure of these wannabe hedonists. From either principle or experience, most people can see the ruin of these schemes! Even few secularists are recruited.

Ironically, the only future for ‘polyamory’ will be Heaven — where all its inhabitants will deeply love each other — but not sexually! It will be the Body of Christ — perfected! Intimacy, as that-for-which we thirst, will triumph — but it will be spiritual and not sexual.

God gave us sexual intimacy as a window to spiritual intimacy. Heaven’s will eclipse sexuality’s. All of us will be amazed at its superiority! It will not be a mere ‘reflection’ of earthly intimacy, but its transcendence!

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Matthew 22:30 teaches that Heaven will be asexual, like the Angels — yet paradaisical — taught by Jesus in Luke 23:43

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Obviously, this means that this world’s intimacy (love’s zenith) will be bettered! Heaven will not be devoid of love and intimacy, it will be perfected and enlarged!

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Heaven will be awash with intimacy: first with God, and then with each other! Every normal barrier of sin will be gone; we’ll be able to truly love each other — w/o any tinge of the sin that kills relationships here!

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Such cowardice exemplified by standing up for evil, just shameful!

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