If you are a student in Gender Studies at ASU what will you be doing? Hopefully, you will learn how to define “woman” since it is a word in the title of the degree and all throughout the description.
This degree is an example of where the radical left is so confident no one will ever hold them accountable that they just tell you their bias right up front.
They are using an entire degree with all of its money and resources to study feminist theory. No other lens will be used. Only feminist theory. You will not think of gender theory through a classical or Biblical or any other lens. Just feminist theory. A theory that still can’t define “woman.”
Not only that, you will be forced to study under the failed philosophy of intersectionality. This is a view pushed by Kimberlé Crenshaw who recently discredited herself by making erroneous public statements about crime statistics.
Both feminist theory and intersectionality fall under the Marxist school of thought. That means they assess all of human life and history through the oppressor/oppressed and economic lens. If there are economic differences between men and women (and if we even know what those are) then that is due to oppression. It is a reductionist and very boring (because easily disproved) theory. There is much more to human life. But it is out of this school of thought that you get grievance culture and perpetual anger about life’s hardships.
ASU has decided that feminist theory and intersectionality do not need to be put through the critical process that every other philosophy must be by debate and critique. Instead, they are privileged with their own degree program and untouchable “truth of the matter” status.
Oh what's the big deal. So they want a degree that focuses on feminist theory, who cares? You think that theory is crap, but someone out there might think it's interesting. Just like someone might want a degree in Biblical Apologetics. That degree is looked at through the Biblical lens and probably not much else. And that's okay, because people getting that degree want to learn about Biblical theory. People getting a Gender Studies degree just have different intellectual interests than you. Why is that a problem? And so what if they can't define "woman", can you? :o)