Given my last post, it was so interesting to see this article published today in The Chronicle of Higher Education. What stands out to you about the title?
For me, it is “quietly.” Why are they doing it questly if it is such a just and noble cause? “Because we are encountering opposition” they might say. But that only means you need to clearly and publicly explain why what you are doing is good. They can’t. But they want public money. And they can’t for the reasons I explained in my last post.
DEI begins by saying it is about helping students face challenges that hinder their learning process. That is good! We should help students. But then you find out what DEI is actually teaching behind the scenes. Race blame. Hatred of your neighbor. The “whiteness” is against you. Heteronormativity is oppressive. Revolutionary overthrow of the “system” is the only solution. If it seems hard to believe, see my previous posts sharing all of this from employee training videos.
The article tells us these are mostly community college presidents. That means they are receiving public money to educate all of the public. They tell the public that DEI is about helping students, but when we see the actual training videos used, we find a very different and harmful teaching. Parents, students, legislators, donors, and pastors, be familiar with what these colleges are doing and how it affects your education and your tax money.