Ze is resisting. Ze is protesting. Ze is advocating. Ze is taking it to the streets. What exactly is Ze resisting? The binary. Ze refuses to acknowledge anything binary. This begins with rejecting God’s binary gender norms. That is why Ze has chosen Ze’s own pronouns. Ze will not listen to God.
But Ze protests all binaries. Ze always sides with the oppressed against the oppressor. Ze will never stop advocating for the workers against the capitalists. Ze insists on mandatory training to promote DEI against the whiteness. And Ze demonstrates against the colonizer-settlers in favor of the indigenous people. Plus, never forget the LGBTQ+ against the heteronormatives.
Yes, Ze hates the binary and will never rest until people stop thinking in binary terms. Oh, one more, the “haves” and the “have-nots.” Ze hates the “haves” also. Ze must speak up for truth against falsehood.