Ze just wants to let people be themselves. That is why Ze fights so hard against Christians and conservatives that dare to come onto Ze’s campus. Ze must protect Ze’s students from these dangerous ideas. In order to do that, Ze identifies “whiteness” and bigotry wherever it can be found. And that just so happens to be anyone who disagrees with Ze.
“Why can’t they just let people be themselves?” Ze asks reflectively. “Live and let live, that is my motto. And that is why they must change their beliefs, traditions, and institutions to conform to my personal preferences.” Ze nods knowingly. Ze is a paradigm of magnanimity.
“I permit any kind of studies to take place on my campus as long as they are not hateful.” Ze affirms. “None of us are Marxists. We just study class conflict as the outworking of the Hegelian dialectic. And there is plenty of diversity among us. For example, you can be a classical Marxist or a neo-Marxist.” Ze further explains that poverty is due to the capitalist owners and oppressors who use a patriarchal class system to enforce gender norms that reinforce the power structure to maintain “whiteness.” “Really, the only solution is more witchcraft,” Ze says as Ze hands out flyers for a sponsored event about practicing witchcraft as liberation.
“Life is about love,” says Ze, “and that’s why we must tell people what beliefs can and cannot be held on campus. We have a Committee of Public Safety that I chair.” Ze is proud of Ze’s work keeping the public safe for revolutionary ideas. “The world will be a much better place through our work,” smiles Ze, “just give us a few decades, you’ll see.”