The Arizona Senate has passed a bill that will allow the 10 Commandments to be taught in public school. This does not require any teacher to use the 10 Commandments. But it permits a teacher to do so. It is based on the 2022 Supreme Court Decision Kenney v Bremerton, where Justice Gorsuch wrote: “Respect for religious expressions is indispensable to life in a free and diverse Republic.”
Two Democrat Senators called the bill religious indoctrination. Let’s reflect on that for a moment. The 10 Commandments are found in scripture but are also believed to be a summary of the moral law known from creation and human nature. If this moral law isn’t taught, then what law will be taught? Some options:
Atheism: we are merely animals, and morality is a social invention to control the masses.
Utilitarianism: happiness is our highest goal, and morality is whatever will bring the greatest happiness to the greatest number.
Ethical egoism: personal pleasure is the highest goal, and each person should do whatever will bring them pleasure.
Existentialism: each person determines for themselves what kind of being they are and what is good for them.
Pantheism: all is god, each person is god, each person should do what they think is best because they are god.
Deontology: duty for its own sake. Duty is determined by asking, “What rule would I want to be universal?” and then living that way. It is, therefore, still grounded in the individual will. In fact, all of these are grounded in the individual will because, on such naturalistic accounts of morality, each person is their own god.
In other words, such moral systems still teach about a god, a highest authority, but that highest authority is the individual person. There is no higher standard. Why should this be the only view permitted to be taught at public schools?
Here is what should guide public school curriculum: rational debate. If it can be shown by reason that God is the highest authority, then students should be presented with those arguments and taught how to think and reason.
Keep your religion to yourself and don't try to poison young minds with medieval superstitions.