I will be helping discuss events at ASU that might be of interest to prospective students. These are events that assume the truth of a far-left belief system and then present it as fact and expect others to also believe it or be ostracized. I am encouraging public debate about these topics.
I see that my campus is offering an in-depth workshop this week on safe space training to teach the participants about radical gender ideology. For those who attend, they will get a placard noting that they are now an ally of this belief system.
One of the goals is to learn how to not assume heterosexuality.
All students should expect a safe and helpful learning environment at ASU. This workshop goes a step further and presupposes the truth of this belief system and then asks others to do the same.
There has been a noticeable increase in safe spaces at ASU. With the exception of Danforth Meditation Chapel I do not know of any chapels on campus. Danforth once had a cross over the door, but that has been removed. The safe spaces become a kind of secular religious space where persons converted to this belief system can meet with like-minded members and reinforce their shared worldview.
There are no similar spaces for other belief systems, religions, worldviews, or ideologies.
This movement shares features in common with previous American revivals. It is religious in nature. A “saving message” is preached to persons who are lost in ignorance about their true self. They are told they need to reject an old identity and accept this new one, a conversion takes place, and then their support community helps them grow in the new belief system and share their testimony with others.
I remember Danforth Chapel with fondness during my time at ASU in the late 80s (Aug '86-Dec '89). The Dominicans from the Newman Center used to offer Mass there. It was during that time that the cross was removed from its roof.
What a shame.