Parents, prospective students, donors, and state representatives, it is important for you to be aware of how ASU promotes pride month. This will inform you about what faculty believe and how that will shape the material they teach in classes. It is a very one-sided presentation, and a state university should not be in the business of promoting a specific philosophy.
Of course, there is no corresponding “one man one woman marriage” month. Proponents of pride month will say this is because those values are celebrated throughout the year, and we need a special month to remember oppressed viewpoints. But are those values celebrated at all in our culture? And when isn’t the LGBTQ+ agenda being pushed by leftist politicians, educators, and the media?
The way that specific months are celebrated overlaps with “intersectionality.” The oppressed all have a common oppressor. I have a previous post on ASU’s employee training about intersectionality. But this philosophy relies on the false analogy that sexual identity is similar to race. Why should we believe that those two things are relevantly analogous?
What the radical gender and antiracist philosophies teach is that both are social constructs used to promote “whiteness” (cis gender) and oppress “the other.” A state university should not promote this specific philosophy as the truth of the matter. In fact, I think it is demonstrably false and will publicly debate any ASU professor on the matter. Or, to put it another way, if a state university promotes this as the truth of the matter, how will that affect your choice of education, parents, and students?
There is no similar month offered at ASU to explain alternative philosophies of gender. You will not see events doing so. You only see this perspective. Parents, students, and donors, (and I’m now adding state representatives) be informed.