At a secular university, you should expect to have your beliefs challenged. It is a place where all perspectives get to present their case and have their assumptions questioned. But what happens when that system breaks down and one perspective reaches for hegemony? That is what we have now. Remember how one talk from a conservative perspective brought out the neo-Marxist thought police? Well, ASU is flooded with dozens of talks from the radical left. Hardly a week goes by without one.
When three of us wrote to defend free speech on campus, one of the professors calling for de-platforming conservatives asked, “so do we have to have the flat earth society come give talks in the astronomy department?” That is how confidently they view their position. It isn’t a social theory based on patently false assumptions from the Marxist dialectic. It is as certain as the spherical earth. But even when we have settled a matter using reason and argument to attain knowledge, we should expect our students to be able to show how. And that requires they know how to respond to objections and differing viewpoints.
My reply is: I expect my students to have been trained in critical thinking so they can quickly identify why a flat-earth model is false. So, if the neo-Marxists have trained their students to think critically, they should be excited to have other perspectives visit campus. They are opportunities for students to exercise their thinking capacities.
But that is not how the thought police view it. And for now, we have talk after talk from the same perspective with no diversity and no critical thinking. The ones I’m highlighting here combine “climate change” with “ecological justice.” That is, justice for the non-human world. The uniqueness of humans made in the image of God is rejected and the distinctions between humans and non-humans melt away.
You’ll be seeing more posts from me about eco-mysticism at ASU. This includes the return of Gaia worship (earth goddess), blurring the distinction between humans and animals, viewing humans as the problem, and mystical connection to the earth through personal experience and feelings as the goal. Can you begin to see the intersectionality in some of these talks? Witchcraft, eco-mysticism, humans as animals. All intersecting on denying God the Creator and Ruler.
Love you views and your column!!!