This week, the ASU New College Faculty Assembly called for volunteers to read the Native American Land Acknowledgement. The stated reason was that this would give it more meaning than if an appointed person read it. Last semester, when the statement was read, professors were asked to bow their heads and close their eyes.
Such land acknowledgments contain some truth. They affirm that ASU serves all students, including Native American students. But they go further than this and declare that ASU is currently on native land. Even leftists have criticized these as mere posturing since those who read them can begin the work of giving the land back but never do anything. It is virtue signaling.
If you don’t know what leftist professors at ASU teach your children about the history of the United States, this short PragerU video describes it very well.
Parents, is this how you want history taught? As Jeff Fynn-Paul of Leiden University says in this video, this is a false history and poor methodology, but the leftist professors don’t care because of their agenda.
Are we living on stolen land: