I have another report from a student of a history professor using class time to push personal Marxist beliefs. This professor is a self-identifying Marxist, although many history professors teach history through a Marixst lens without confessing this is what they are doing. This student says the professor used class time to denounce ASU’s Center for American Institutions as part of a right-wing conspiracy. He lumped me into this, although I am not part of CAI. The student added that they felt compelled to write papers from a Marxist perspective (with which they disagree) or their grade would be harmed. I have shared ASU’s resources for the student to report this professor’s misuse of class time.
Many students do not want to use these resources because they do not trust them. They ask, “why report to the very deans that hired, positively evaluate, and empower these professors to misuse class time? These deans share the same bias.” The students are perceptive, and they see what is happening. I encourage them to still use these resources. The more who report the better. And you can keep a record of your report to share with ABOR and as evidence for the future.
Ms. Atkinson and I have been asked if we ever reported such professors. It is a way of dismissing our concerns. It is blaming the victim for not following the correct procedures to report to the authorities. The radical left would not apply this to any other victims and would be enraged if they saw a victim asked, “why didn’t you report it” to dismiss their concerns. But remember, for them, it is “do as we say, not as we do.” If they do not sympathize with your beliefs, they will not help you; you don’t count.
This same thing happened to me at the hearing when a Democratic representative questioned me. I will share the video clip soon.
Parents and students, what will you do if the bias runs so deep that your concerns will not be given a fair hearing? You can respectfully contact ABOR and let them know this is happening.