Ibram X. Kendi spoke at ASU about race relations. In itself, this isn’t surprising since a state university should hear from all perspectives. It is, however, troubling in light of the professors at ASU’s Honors College trying to stop Dennis Prager and Charlie Kirk from speaking on campus and calling them names such as “white nationalists” in a letter to their dean.
But when Kendi said the quiet part out loud it caught my attention. He told his audience that we should not expect Americans to be convinced of the “antiracist” perspective. Instead, his plan is to put people into positions of power who will institute policies and practices that force Americans to live by his standards. And the truth comes out.
This is the behavior I have been highlighting in my college at ASU, which is voting to add “antiracism” and “decolonizing” standards to our bylaws. I will be on Dennis Prager today to talk about these developments.
Parents and students, Kendi wants to shape your state university education from the top down without your consent. He appeals to positive words such as “inclusion” and “equity,” but his meaning is the standard Marxist system.