Governor Hobbs vetoed SB1305, which prohibited unfairly prioritizing the radical Marist teachings about race in the public school. The consequence will be that this far-left ideology will be taught in public schools but assumptions will not be taught or critically analyzed. Otherwise, public schools become indoctrination factories. Let’s have a public debate about it instead!
For debate:
Assertions of the Marx-Freud religion:
There is systemic racism in the United States
“Whiteness” needs to be de-centered
The intersection of oppressed groups is white Christians
American history is to be understood through the lens of oppressors and oppressed
Assumptions of the Marx-Freud religion:
Racism motivated by greed is the fundamental sin
There are no universal values
There is no universal truth
God does not rule history
The Left operates as though there are universal truths. For instance, they universally apply the oppressor/oppressed interpretive lens.
One might say, ‘it changes based on culture, therefore it is not universal.’ It’s true there is a relativism to its application, but the Left still universally applies the oppressor/oppressed interpretive lens. So it is universally applied but contextually applied. The same is true with biblical application.
So, it’s true they claim to deny universal truths I would argue they are confused about universal truths - among other things.