I have been drawing your attention to the need for the Arizona Board of Regents (ABOR) to do their job of oversight and look into cases of discrimination against conservatives and Christians at the state universities. Last summer, when ABOR gave its report on First Amendment issues at the universities, it was simply a rubber stamp of the report the three state universities submitted. No oversight or hard questions were asked.
Well, even Governor Hobbs sees their lack and calls it a failure. She said:
“New facts have come to light that once again show the Arizona Board of Regents failed in their oversight role and highlight a university leadership that was clueless as to their own finances. In the past days, instead of addressing their failure of leadership, ABOR has told conflicting stories to me, the press, and the public about the purchase of Ashford University. And while I have not been given the facts and therefore cannot comment about the veracity of recent statements from faculty regarding ABOR board members potential conflicts of interest, I do know one thing: ABOR members attacking faculty, even going so far as threatening a lawsuit, is not leadership.”
We need an ABOR that is actually committed to giving oversight to the three state universities. These universities will not give oversight to themselves. Students at ASU have spoken up about discrimination against conservatives and Christians in the classroom, and nothing has been done. Instead, ASU evaluated itself and said it is doing an excellent job. It is time for ABOR to step up and hold the universities accountable.
Please go teach at a seminary at Hogwarts school if you are so easily threatened by a secular environment.