Does ASU require intersectionality training?
If you google ASU inclusiveness training, the link below will come up. When you look at the page, it has a tab for “required training.” When that tab is selected, a link for My Career Edge shows up. When you click on this, you see this list of classes. These include quizzes that ask you questions you must answer, implying you agree with the content of the videos. Is ASU endorsing the theory of intersectionality as the truth of the matter? Are employees required to accept it as true?
Remember, intersectionality is the belief that all forms of discrimination are centered on “whiteness.” “Whiteness” is the problem in the world today. The solution? To discriminate against “whiteness.” Especially white men. And even more, white Christian men.
Whenever I have asked adherents of this religion why discrimination based on “whiteness” is acceptable, I get two answers. The first one collapses quickly upon scrutiny. It is that all discrimination is wrong and that DEI and intersectionality policies don’t discriminate based on race. This is easily shown to be false from their own teachings. They discriminate against “whiteness.” And then the real answer comes out. I am told, “It is the ‘whiteness’ turn to suffer and be discriminated against.” In other words, it is a policy of revenge for supposed wrongs. It is simply the old and childish belief that two wrongs make a right.
Now, these supposed wrongs aren’t actions committed by the white persons in question. If such persons have violated state or federal anti-discrimination or labor laws, then take them to court. No, the supposed wrongs are from the past. It is a philosophy of history that claims “whiteness” oppressed in the past, and now it is acceptable to oppress “whiteness” in the present.
This second answer is at the heart of the matter. Diversity and inclusion could be taught without also teaching discrimination against “whiteness.” But the sad truth is that people have hatred in their hearts, and it comes out in these policies of permissive discrimination. This hatred has been fueled by a false philosophy of history that gives moral justification to discrimination against the “whiteness.”
What is the foundation of this moral theory? It isn’t a theory grounded in God’s moral law. It teaches the hatred of one’s neighbor (if they are “whiteness”). It is a purely social-moral theory. Morality is determined by the powerful. And the powerful can now dominate over the “whiteness.” Theories of morality grounded on power always end up justifying benefiting oneself and acting on revenge. It is the age-old teaching to hate one’s enemy and benefit one’s friend/family.
As a public university, ASU serves all students. But that is not the same as requiring employees to believe a specific social philosophy is true. This can’t be done in a way that discriminates against political and religious viewpoints that have their own social philosophies and do not agree with the theory of “intersectionality” or requires employees to change their political or religious viewpoints to work at ASU.
Parents, students, donors, legislators, pastors, it is time to speak up. You should not accept discrimination and hatred of the neighbor based on “whiteness.”