The radical left professor who defended ASU's "inclusive communities" required training said three things. 1) It isn't required. 2) It isn't DEI. 3) It is only about how to get along at work and include everyone. Check out these images from the training and tell me what you think. Did she lie?
Here we see that it is indeed required. ASU tries to pass it off as merely about being inclusive. Let’s see what the content of this training means by “inclusive.”
Here we see that it is indeed still assigned and listed as past due. This implies there will be consequences for not taking it. It is not simply a suggestion that you take it. It is required and past due.
Here we see the module on “white supremacy” being normalized in our society. Is it? Well, in the video you are required to watch, the instructor tells us that our nation’s founding documents are white supremacist documents. Then, the instructor tells us that if you object to this by saying, “that was the past” you are wrong because you are still complicit and must confess your unconscious racism.
ASU’s spokesman has stated publicly that ASU does not have any DEI training. Next, we see that ASU does indeed call this DEI training. They added the B for belonging. Is that how they try to get out of it being DEI? They expect everyone to believe DEIB is a totally different thing? 🤣
The professor told a lie to the public. She gambled that I didn't take screen shots and she lost. The only true thing she said is that she doesn’t see anything wrong with this training. To her, calling the United States a white supremacist nation is a daily event, so what's the big deal? Telling white students that they are inherently racist is a normal Monday-Friday for these professors so they can't imagine someone objecting to this training.
Their kingdom is crumbling all around them and they are scrambling.
It is so difficult and frustrating to see “educated” people acting this way. They spend so much time writing about their plans to weaken our country, then lie about it and act offended that you actually read what they wrote. Mind boggling.
Let’s hope. If it is falling it can’t happen fast enough. I see no evidence of its ebbing at ASU yet.