The Phoenix Business Journal has an article about why Tom Lewis pulled his funding from ASU. I covered some of this in my previous post. But it has a telling quote from one of the Barrett Honors Faculty. He says, “Our condemnation of the event was never only, or even primarily, about its presumed content or the nature of the speakers. It was always, primarily, about the danger of wealthy donors using their money to propagandize on college campuses.”
You’ve read their letter. If that was their purpose, they didn’t need to call Dennis Prager a white nationalist bigot. But they did. They insulted conservatives and are now saying conservative donors do not have a place at ASU. What does ASU say?
You will also find them attempting to blame Tom Lewis for somehow preventing free speech or opposing free speech by pulling his funding. Let that sink in. They are saying, “we want to call you a bigot and propagandizer, and we want your money.” Ridiculous. They forget that libel is not protected as free speech. And they aren’t used to having to face consequences for their fallacious arguments. I’m still waiting for them to from even just one cogent argument to support their position.
It is noticeable that such professors only object when it is conservative donors. There are many activities, resources, events, etc., at ASU sponsored by liberal donors, and the Barratt professors have never written a letter condemning left-wing propaganda.
Not only that, but what are they doing in their classes when they use class time to promote their own personal beliefs? That is the definition of having a captive audience to propagandize.
When we see these professors also objecting to the influence of the radical left on campus, then we will know they at least have integrity. Until then . . .
Parents, potential students, donors, and Arizona legislators, your beliefs are considered propaganda by these Barrett Honors Faculty. According to them, you need to sit quietly in their classes and allow them to lecture on whatever personal opinions come to mind without questioning.