When communists tell you they are organizing to plan for a revolution, you should believe them. And you should know that communist revolutions are violent and oppressive. They are meeting at ASU.
This week, Arizona State Representative Austin Smith wrote a letter asking ASU’s President, Michael Crow, and the Arizona Board of Regents to condemn a communist event held at ASU. If you remember, ASU’s honors faculty condemned Dennis Prager and objected to him speaking at the honors college because he holds to the Biblical definition of marriage. There was no such concern shown about this communist event. Many professors consider themselves to be “advocates” for communist social causes. Remember, communism is an explicitly atheist system that persecuted Jews and Christians. Rep. Austin lays out the violent history of communism in his letter below.
I can hear the reply, “But isn’t the university a place for free speech?" While it is a place for rational debate, and especially about important issues that divide us, it has also become a place for professors writing strongly worded letters of condemnation about conservatives, Jews, and Christians. These same professors use their classrooms to push their social justice causes. The lack of consistency on their part is highlighted in their silence about communist meetings at ASU.
The “professor as advocate” model is inconsistent and does not serve the purpose of the university. Such professors turn a blind eye to communist events but have a meltdown if someone argues that God-ordained marriage between a man and a woman. We have no rational obligation to listen to someone who cannot be consistent. Do you want such a one teaching you or your children?
ASU should respond by affirming that communism is a reprehensible system that has only brought misery to the world and is responsible for the murder of 10’s, if not 100’s of millions. The works of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn should be required reading in the honors college. The atheism and materialism of communism undermine the work of a university by reducing humans to material objects whose only needs are economic. A true humanities education will equip the student to know that man’s search for meaning takes him far beyond the merely material Marxist.
Yes to human rights, dignity and equality.
No to the bible which was written by perverted cavemen