In my last post I discussed ASU’s School of Social Transformation and their reading list. I attached pictures but some of you asked for the link. I will paste it below. You will find the list under the “books” tab once your scroll down. I also noticed this one their web page. A Zoom group for reading such books. What stood out to me is the intended age: Teens (13-17). They want minors to get into these kinds of books to learn the dangers of “the whiteness.” They call it “educational outreach.” Do parents know? How is this funded?
Thank you for the courage to expose the truth Dr.A.
I believe Charles Darwin was white. Are they rejecting evolutionary theory then? This just shows inconsistent teaching in public school. When I was in public elementary they taught evolutionary theory by Charles Darwin. Now they are teaching the danger of whiteness. Which one is right? They cannot do both at the same time. Decolonization as moral theory is inconsistent if they say yes to Darwin in the science department. I don't endorse either Decolonization nor evolutionary theory.