I think I was discriminated against at ASU this week. When I went to the men’s bathroom in my office building, the sign below was on the men’s bathroom door. But there wasn’t one on the women’s bathroom door.
Look at the message on the sign. It is directed to someone with privilege. It tells them they need to become an ally and advocate for equity and justice at ASU. They are to do this by listening to “women and people of color.” They are to learn about bias and privilege in their institution. They are to ensure that “women and people of color” are nominated for awards, can speak at meetings, and are protected from bias. And it is on the men’s door, not the women’s door. Is it assuming men need this message? And how would they know that men are using the men’s room? Are they assuming gender? It looks like discrimination.
Why was this on the men’s door and not also on the women’s door? They made assumptions about who is using the men’s room. And don’t the instructions on this sign take away the agency of “women and people of color”? Why are men the ones who are ensuring they can speak in meetings? It reads as if “women and people of color” need the help of men to speak at meetings. This seems very condescending and just plain wrong.
Not to mention that the philosophy behind the instructions on this sign is false. It presupposes differences in outcome are due to bias. And then, it gives instructions on how to fix bias that won’t work. Can I put up a sign on the men’s room door with my own philosophy about why differences in outcome exist and what to do about them?
Parents and potential students, you won’t be able to attend ASU without this philosophy being broadcast to you everywhere you go. There is no neutrality and no attempt at giving voice to other points of view. If those who put up this sign were consistent, they would ask people entering the men’s room at ASU (not assuming gender) to be an ally and advocate for the minority viewpoints on campus, such as conservatives and Christians.
i hope you tore it off
this seems to be the Twitter acct of 'ASU Advance'