Those who oppose prayer, or moments of silence, in public schools will be interested to know that at today’s faculty meeting of ASU's New College, the reading of the “land acknowledgment” (see here) was preceded by the faculty being asked to close their eyes. After the reading, there was a moment of silence to let it all sink in.
Why would they close their eyes? If there is no God who is perfect in justice, and if history is a series of horrendous events where the greedy oppress the innocent, what good does closing your eyes do? What reason would any of those in this Marxist/Freudian religion have to think that the future will be different than the past (as they [mis]understand it)?
In the article linked above, you will find more details about the land acknowledgment and why even those on the left agree reading these is not helpful. But the far-left gets to impose their opinions on everyone else. When will the community object and ask for equal rights for all and not just for the far-left?