I get very little spam at my ASU email account. And I never get conservative political spam emails. But today, I got a spam email from a far-left perspective advocating being woke. The email described being “woke” as caring about helping the poor and oppressed. Who wouldn’t want to do that, right?
I have been pointing out how the far-left uses its Marx-Freud beliefs as a religion. This email was further confirmation. It relies on the theme in American religious history of the Great Awakening. The idea is that a person must be awakened to their condition before God so that they then see the need for salvation. These atheists take out God and promise to awaken the student to the condition of oppression and salvation through neo-Marxist religion.
In our newest episode of The Reformed Devils, Profs Anderson and Barth look at the assumptions behind DEI and ask if it can really give our lives meaning.