ASU’s honors college continues to promote divisive ideologies. Remember that they got into such trouble over free speech that FIRE agreed to set up an office to keep an eye on things? Well, my friend Ann Atkinson posted tweets today showing an ASU honors college web page dedicated to hiring based on race. This is in conflict with anti-discrimination laws that prohibit discrimination based on race in hiring, but also contrary to what the Arizona Board of Regents and ASU itself have said. Both say that DEI-based hiring has been eliminated at ASU (see link below). The Supreme Court ruled this summer against universities using race in admissions.
It is also worth noting that as part of their attempt to recruit black students, they have done away with SAT/ACT requirements. Let that sink in for a moment. What does that say? I had a conversation with Shelby Steele last fall and he used this exact kind of example to say “white liberals, leave us alone, we can achieve just like anyone else.”
ASU is currently the largest state university in the country and boasts that it is a place for people of all backgrounds. Why does its honors college continue to divide people and prioritize one race over others in recruiting? Will this play out in the courts?
We celebrated MLK this Monday. He called us to our higher selves, to no longer judge based on racism but to consider character. He taught us to love our neighbor rather than spreading hate and division. Watch out for those who use his name but teach the opposite of his message.