In his article in the Arizona Republic, Phil Boas asks the important question: if the Barrett faculty could drive conservatives out this time, who is next? Through a campaign of harassment and intimidation, using ASU resources, these faculty bullied those with whom they disagreed. They ensured that ASU is less diverse. ASU’s own response to this fiasco has guaranteed it will remain a leftist think tank. ASU is treating this as a PR problem and not investing the behavior of these faculty members.
Phil Boas makes a point I have been drawing attention to as well. Who wrote this ASU press release calling Ms. Atkinson “too emotional?” And the ASU feminists said nothing. Mr. Boas says, “In ASU’s snarky response to Atkinson, it added, “Ann Atkinson has lost the distinction between feelings and fact.” That’s quite a thing to write. There are a hundred new-wave feminists on the ASU campus alone who would instantly recognize the oozing sexism in that retort — the retrograde “hysterical woman” bit.”
Parents and students, it is up to you. You can respectfully contact the ASU leadership and ABOR to say you expect protection of conservative views and intellectual diversity on campus.