“ASU study finds pairing up with other genders helps preschoolers get along”
A recent article on the ASU news page tells us that teachers must force preschoolers to interact with other genders. Do the math. If the preschooler is one gender, then by saying other genders, they are saying there are more genders than male and female. This is just assumed to be true. No proof is offered, and no dissent is allowed. The goal: “Interacting with other-gender peers helps develop a more egalitarian classroom environment where students feel they belong.”
My experience is that the vast majority of professors at ASU simply assume this gender theory and can give no sound argument to support it. By assuming this theory is true and pushing it in classrooms, there is discrimination against political and religious perspectives that believe there are only two genders (male and female). In fact, I have heard ASU professors liken the Christian belief to believing the earth is flat. They say it is not worthy of even having a hearing at ASU.
The article claims:
There are more than two genders
Teachers must force children to interact with these other genders or else they self-segregate
Segregation is bad, except when leftists say it isn’t
The proposed forced contact with other genders is to solve the problem of self-segregation. The article claims that preschoolers like to be around others who are most like them. No evidence for this claim is given. I’ve seen preschoolers who are positively fascinated by differences. And the assumption is that self-segregation is bad and teachers should force it to end.
But ASU has “safe zones” where self-segregation for leftists is said to be good. The leftists can’t have it both ways: self-segregation is bad when it presupposes Christian beliefs like there are only two genders, but it is good when it presupposes leftist beliefs about race and gender. Why can’t preschoolers who believe there are only boys and girls self-segregate in the same way that the ASU safe zones propose for the LGBTQ+ students who believe in multiple genders? This is an instance of discrimination against Christians and others who reject LGBTQ+ gender theory.
Notice that their solution is always forced participation and silencing of opposition. Parents, students, donors, is this the behavior you expect from ASU professors? Arizona Legislators, please help.