I am looking at training material some ASU instructors must take. It is worse than you’d think, even with low expectations. One is about how our entire system is based on white supremacy. This begins with colonialism and our Founding Documents. According to this view, those who live in this system are either white supremacists or people harmed by white supremacists.
You: But surely they are just presenting this as one theory among many.
Me: No, this is the only theory presented, and then instructors are asked to agree it is true.
You: It sounds like the 1619 Project, which has been debunked. Do they give any of that information from an alternative viewpoint?
Me: None.
You: But this is a contended, not a settled view. Don’t professors at ASU expect their students to understand multiple sides of a debate?
Me: You’d think.
You: But don’t professors at ASU teach their students to examine both sides of a debate? Wouldn’t they want to model that behavior?
Me: “Do as I say, not as I do.”
More to come from this ASU training program . . .