I received another email about a talk at ASU. This is by another activist. Somehow, that never means a conservative activist.
There is a real sense of hopelessness taught to the students about the state of the environment. This talks promises to turn that around from despair to “possibility.” But what is the basis for hope?
This worldview says something like this:
Humans are merely animals that evolved on earth.
The earth was here long before humans and will continue long after humans.
Humans have made the earth uninhabitable through their technological advances.
Humans must be stopped or no living thing will be left on earth.
The earth is our “mother” and the source of life.
These teachings are not only implausible but demonstrably false. Why is only one side, the incorrect side, being promoted to students at ASU? No wonder they report being depressed. This is a depressing worldview. It dehumanizes us and makes us not merely animals but less than animals. Let’s allow them to hear alternatives and have a public debate about the truth or falsity of these points. We can give them a hopeful view of human life that will overcome depression by teaching them the truth about human purpose. You would think the Institute for Humanities Research would want to get human purpose right.